“Uncovering the Secrets: How a Book’s Title Can Make or Break Its Fate”
Have you ever picked up a book simply because the title jumped out at you? It’s remarkable how a single phrase can ignite curiosity and spark that urge to dive into the pages. Reflecting on a stroll with a friend recently, they recalled the time they were captivated by a novel’s title in a bookstore window—The Essex Serpent. It got me thinking: what role does a powerful title play in a book’s success? In my journey as a novelist and marketer, I’ve come to understand that your book title is more than just a name; it’s a crucial part of your marketing strategy that works hand-in-hand with your cover and blurb. And let’s not forget the art of taglines—they’re like secret weapons waiting to help you stand out in a crowded market! So, if you’re looking to craft the perfect title for your next literary masterpiece, let’s explore some nifty tips that could just lead you to a winning combination! LEARN MORE
And why taglines are there to help
“I remember seeing a novel in a bookshop window once,” said a friend the other day as we walked around the lake. “The name intrigued me and, combined with such a beautiful cover, made me buy it.”
The book was The Essex Serpent by Sarah Perry. Currently knee-deep in designing my own book covers, I jumped online when I got home and couldn’t help but agree that the book was eye-catching. Have a look here and see what you think. What really struck me, however, was that it was firstly the title — rather than the cover — that my friend remembered to this day.
So, how important is a book title? If you’ve read my other articles, you’ll know I’m both a novelist and a marketeer. You can probably also guess what I am going to say next: your book title is a key part of your book marketing strategy! It works in unison with the cover and is supported by the blurb. In any other area of marketing, it would be called a brand name and people pay mega bucks to find the right brand name.
Don’t have endless cash? No, neither do I. But if you are desperately searching the perfect title for your latest masterpiece, I do have some easy tips to help you choose a winning title — be it fiction or non-fiction — and ways to optimise the result by using a cleverly chosen tagline. Come with me as I…