Not really looking for praise, i just didnt know where else to post this or have anyone to share it with.

Ive smoked weed, everyday for the past 10, almost 11 years & i’ve finally cut my habit. & I feel great. physically i am not as exhausted, i can do so much more without becoming sluggish, my co workers said i seem much more energetic. Mentally i feel great, my head is clear, i can think straight without it clouding up so easily.

I can now continue my psychology studies without it taking weeks on end. Ive found myself having extremely weird dreams, very in touch with reality (sometimes its scary), & with that i have decided to do some research on neuroscience because of it.

Anytime i have tried to quit before, it came with a huge struggle to eat without being high, as well as trying to sleep without smoking before bed. This time wasn’t any different, but i pushed through it. Habits are supposed to take anywhere from 18-254 days to break, which varies person to person, but i feel like i have set myself a personal goal by completing it within less than 2 weeks.

Long story short, i feel amazing & anyone who is looking to kick a habit, or quit smoking weed like i have, i wish you the best. It will be a journey of mental & physical struggles, but trust me, it is 100% well worth it.

Don’t let anyone tell you that weed is not addicting, i am living proof it is. (I understand that smoking once, will not form an addiction, but if you have an addictive personality like i do – it is not easy to start & not stop.)

Thanks for reading my TED talk, if anyone has any questions, is looking for advice, please feel free to comment/message me! It would help me greatly to be able to help someone out, the way i have helped myself.

submitted by /u/Puzzled-Perception88
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Author: /u/Puzzled-Perception88

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