The 80/20 Rule And Novelists

I got interested in the 80/20 rule more than 10 years ago, when Amazon added a feature to their Author Central site that showed each author how they ranked among all the other authors. I immediately realized that this revealed exceptional insights about the earnings of all published authors. (Amazon removed this feature after a…

How to Be a “Bad-As” Editor

Here’s an exercise you can do to make your current novel better: Search your manuscript for the word “as”.  Remove it from every sentence that uses “as” to make two events simultaneous. That’s it. very simple. Extremely effective.  A few examples will make this all clear. In each example, I’ll show you the wrong way…

The Holes In Your Novel

This happens to almost every novelist who ever lived, and it’s probably happened to you:  You wrote your novel the best you know how. You did everything right. The story flows. The characters rock. The setting shines. The theme pulses with life. You set the manuscript aside for a few weeks to let it cool….