Meet the Team: 6 Questions with Annie Rehill, Reader

This is a recurring series to introduce, celebrate, and elevate our amazing crew of volunteers. In this installment of the Meet the Team series we talk to Annie Rehill, who joined our flash reading team in late 2023. Annie’s book The Apocalypse Is Everywhere: A Popular History of America’s Favorite Nightmare explores the end-of-world mindset…

REVIEW: Hell Gate Bridge: A Memoir of Motherhood, Madness, and Hope by Barrie Miskin

Reviewed by Diane Gottlieb When you suffer from mental illness, the world does not treat you kindly. People with mental health challenges are subject to harsh judgments and often feel dismissed or shamed. When a woman suffers from mental illness and is pregnant or has recently given birth, her road becomes much more difficult. She…

REVIEW: Hell Gate Bridge: A Memoir of Motherhood, Madness, and Hope by Barrie Miskin

Reviewed by Diane Gottlieb When you suffer from mental illness, the world does not treat you kindly. People with mental health challenges are subject to harsh judgments and often feel dismissed or shamed. When a woman suffers from mental illness and is pregnant or has recently given birth, her road becomes much more difficult. She…

INTERVIEW: Ellen van Neerven, Author of Personal Score: Sport, Culture, Identity

Interview by Hillary Moses Mohaupt Ellen van Neerven has been a soccer player, poet, fiction writer, teacher, and much more. Their first poetry collection, Comfort Food, was shortlisted for the NSW Premier’s Literary Awards Kenneth Slessor Prize, and their next poetry collection, Throat was the recipient of Book of the Year, the Kenneth Slessor Prize and the…

CRAFT: On Writing Trauma in Creative Nonfiction by Travis Harman

It is simply not enough to write a narrative about a traumatic experience and hope to reach a deep connection with our readers. It is the well-rounded characters, with their quirks and struggles, embedded with deep reflection, that bring the reader and author together on the page. While writing my memoir, Remote Outpost: Fighting with…

CRAFT: On Writing Trauma in Creative Nonfiction by Travis Harman

It is simply not enough to write a narrative about a traumatic experience and hope to reach a deep connection with our readers. It is the well-rounded characters, with their quirks and struggles, embedded with deep reflection, that bring the reader and author together on the page. While writing my memoir, Remote Outpost: Fighting with…

Sex Boxers by Ben Decter

It’s been two years since my wife and I have had sex. Between the vicious return of my six-year-old daughter’s daily seizures, financial concerns, my mom’s breast cancer, and my wife Jackie’s work stress, there’s little mystery as to how I have arrived in a sexual wasteland. At thirty-three, I’m distraught by this physical absence,…

Sex Boxers by Ben Decter

It’s been two years since my wife and I have had sex. Between the vicious return of my six-year-old daughter’s daily seizures, financial concerns, my mom’s breast cancer, and my wife Jackie’s work stress, there’s little mystery as to how I have arrived in a sexual wasteland. At thirty-three, I’m distraught by this physical absence,…

Radishes by Amber Burke

One winter in my early twenties, I coat checked at a French bistro in Chelsea where there were radishes in bowls on the zinc bartop. They were regular radishes, though very big and clean, tops cut off neatly. Since the radishes had no discernable connection to the restaurant’s name or fare, customers often asked about…