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Dovid Hofshteyn (1889-1952) left Russia during the years of war and revolution and was a pioneer of modernist literature in Yiddish after the First World War. He returned to the USSR in the mid-1920s and became involved in Soviet cultural activities in Yiddish. Like other Yiddish writers, Hofshteyn participated in the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee. In 1948, as part of the process of eliminating Yiddish culture in the USSR, he was arrested and tried alongside other Jewish authors. On August 12, 1952, he was executed by the Soviet government in what has come to be known as the Night of the Murdered Poets.

Vos boygstu zikh, mayn zel?

Vos brumstu brustik tif?

Un s’tsitern di vent,

di zayln fun mayn zayn,

un hekher, hekher shtaygt 

di shtil fun ere dayner,

un nider vert bagrobt

mit shtoyb fun dayne fis.
Vos boygstu zikh, mayn zel?

Vos brumstu brustik tif?

Vos bodstu zikh in shtoyb,

vos vashstu zikh in ash,

vi foyglen in a hits,

vos hobm furkht far vaser 

un kiln zikh mit erd un frishn zikh in mist?..
Vos boygstu zikh, mayn zel?

Vos brumstu brustik tif,

vi zod fun frishn blut

af shtumen roytn shteyn,

vi zod, vos vert nit shtil

fun umshuld zoyber-reynem,

biz gloybik heyses blut

mit tsiter im bagist.
Nu, boyg zhe zikh, mayn zel,

nu, brum zhe brustik tif,

un ver fun ashn klor,

fun blutn ver shoyn reyn,

un ver fun tsiter mild,

ver loyter shoyn fun veynen,

un zol tsu likht dir zayn

dayn groyser brokh, dayn ris!

Why do you vibrate, my soul,

rumbling deeply in my chest?

The walls of my core are trembling.

Higher, still higher, soars

your quiet honour.

Then, falling, it buries itself

under the dust of your feet.

Why do you vibrate, my soul,

rumbling deeply in my chest?

Why do you bathe in the dust,

and wash yourself in the ashes?

So are birds in the smouldering heat,

thirsty for water – can cool

themselves in the earth,

and get refreshed in the sand.

Why do you vibrate, my soul,

from the depth of my chest,

boiling like fresh blood

spilt on the mute stones?

The boiling will not subside

from its pure innocence,

nor from its hot devotion –

it is trembling, spilling over.

Oh, bend to me, my soul,

sing heartfully within my depth,

cleansed by ashes

purified by blood,

your strings tremble gentler,

enlightened by the sobbing …

Let the grief and sorrow

illuminate the way!

— “Violoncello” by Dovid Hofshteyn (Translation by Lera Auerbach)


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Author: Lera Auerbach

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