I came across this lesson and thought I’d share it for anyone who needs to hear it because it has drastically helped me in my self-transformation journey.

Essentially, there are two ways we humans can get our dopamine: consumption or creation. Consumption is typically very passive. We can get feel-good chemicals on tap from lying in bed scrolling on our phones. Consumption methods include: TV, porn, food, alcohol, drugs, etc. If you have a proclivity for one of these things, that would be classified as an “addiction”. On the other hand, creative activities are classified as “passions”. Not many people would say they’re addicted to creative activities like learning, writing, painting, making music, photography, hiking, sports, etc. (and yes I realize nothing physical is created from exercise but you are creating and exerting energy). If you are finding yourself struggling to find “your passion” or not experiencing much joy in creation, odds are you’re consuming too much. Cut out the BS and soon you will discover things you never knew you thought were fun.

I’m a 24 M, for the last three months I cut out all social media scrolling, alcohol & drugs, porn, junk food. I still watch TV sometimes but choose your vices lol. In this time, I have delved into entertaining myself daily with working out, surfing, reading, making music, sports, hiking and more I’m probably forgetting. I feel more motivated to work. Socializing without alcohol is fun like when I was a kid which is something I never thought I’d say. And you really don’t have to go as hard as I am. I noticed things changing in under a week. It’s just working for me so why change it?

If you are someone who spends a lot of time consuming for fun, stopping is hard. At first, you will be bored, you might not know what to do. That’s the point. You will naturally seek out new things to fill the time and form new healthy habits. 3 months ago I was writing Reddit posts asking how to escape depression, today I feel the best I ever have. I hope this helps at least one person because it helped me tons. Cheers and wherever you’re at, just keep goin’.

submitted by /u/levinvestor
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Author: /u/levinvestor

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