“Unlock the Secrets: Are You Really Speaking to Your Audience’s Heart?”

Have you ever stood in front of a crowd, delivery notes in hand, wondering what the audience is really thinking? Are they engaged or lost in their phones, scrolling through social media while you speak? The key to captivating your listeners goes beyond their job titles or industry—it’s about understanding the nuances of their backgrounds and perspectives. In this article, we delve into what it means to truly connect with your audience, from their demographics to their professional roles, ensuring you’re not just another voice in a sea of noise. Join me as we explore strategies to resonate with different groups, such as millennials in health care or heads of HR, and discover how knowing them better can elevate your message and engagement. Let’s unlock the power of audience awareness together! LEARN MORE.

When we think about our audiences as speakers, we think about their demographics, or the industry they are in, or their functional roles in their organizations, or their positions in the hierarchy.  So, for example, we might be talking to millennials in health care, working in HR, and heads of the talent division with a …

The post Speakers, Do You Know Your Audience? appeared first on Public Words.

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