“Unlocking the Future: Join CCC’s Town Hall to Navigate the Uncharted Waters of AI and Copyright in Global Business!”

"Unlocking the Future: Join CCC's Town Hall to Navigate the Uncharted Waters of AI and Copyright in Global Business!"

As the digital world races ahead, there’s a question weighing on everyone’s mind: How do we keep creative integrity in an era dominated by artificial intelligence? On September 24, 2024, I’ll be tuning in for a virtual Town Hall hosted by CCC titled “AI & Copyright: Essential Information for Global, Cross-Border Business.” This event promises to put some of the brightest legal minds on the spot as they dissect the complexities weaving together AI technology and copyright laws. With speakers from top institutions like Vanderbilt University Law School and Stockholm University, it sounds like a perfect storm for those of us curious about how our increasingly automated future might mesh with the age-old principles of copyright. As AI tools burst onto the scene, revolutionizing the way we create and consume content, the crucial conversation surrounding copyright has never felt more urgent. So, mark your calendars, grab your coffee, and get ready for an eye-opening discussion that’s sure to spark new insights and questions! LEARN MORE.

International Panel of Experts to Discuss the Global Legal Landscape Around AI and Copyright During the Virtual LinkedIn Live Event on 24 September

September 12, 2024 – Danvers, Mass. –  CCC, a leader in advancing copyright, accelerating knowledge, and powering innovation, will host the Town Hall event “AI & Copyright: Essential Information for Global, Cross-Border Business” via LinkedIn Live on Tuesday, 24 September, 10:00 am EST/4:00 pm CET.

A panel of legal experts, including Prof. Daniel Gervais, Vanderbilt University Law School; Eleonora Rosati, Stockholm University; Karyn Temple, Motion Picture Association; and Atsushi Okada, Mori Hamada & Matsumoto will explore topics at the intersection of AI and copyright with a focus on cross-border implications for businesses around the world. Moderated by Catherine Zaller Rowland, CCC Vice President, General Counsel, the panelists will also discuss several national approaches from around the world, and the important role of contracts and licensing for harmonization, among other relevant topics.

“Over the last two years, there has been an explosion of new and easily accessible AI tools that have captured the attention of the public and hold great promise to improve many areas of our lives. At the same time, they raise important questions about how AI technologies and copyright work together,” said Tracey Armstrong, President and CEO, CCC. “I look forward to our Town Hall panelists discussing the current landscape and offering tips on how to navigate the complexity and uncertainty surrounding AI and copyright.”

In July, CCC announced the availability of AI re-use rights within its Annual Copyright Licenses (ACL), an enterprise-wide content licensing solution offering rights from millions of works to businesses that subscribe. The collective licensing solution enables participating rightsholders to fulfill the needs of companies for an efficient way to legally acquire the rights to use copyrighted materials within AI systems for internal use.

CCC actively advocates for copyright worldwide by engaging governments, stakeholders, and individuals with educational programming and thought leadership resources.  The organization also maintains an online hub, AI, Copyright & Licensing, which features informational resources for creators, publishers, rightsholders, technologists, media representatives, policymakers, intellectual property attorneys, and others, including Prof. Gervais’ paper, “Collective Licensing and AI” and Rowland’s article, “The Licensing Vector: A Fair Approach to Content Use in LLMs.”

Since 1978, CCC has supported content users by providing efficient, harmonized licensing solutions that cover their internal uses of content. CCC’s portfolio of non-exclusive voluntary collective licensing solutions includes ACL for Business, Multinational Copyright License (MCL) for Business, ACL for Higher Education, ACL for Curriculum & Instruction, and ACL for Student Assessments.  In addition to licensing solutions, CCC provides one-stop access for users to request, receive, and pay for full-text content and permissions to re-use content.

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