“Discover the Hidden Depths of Emotion: Scott Thomas Outlar Unveils a Poetic Wonderland”

"Discover the Hidden Depths of Emotion: Scott Thomas Outlar Unveils a Poetic Wonderland"

Have you ever found yourself repeating the same morning ritual, as if life were a never-ending loop? In this poignant poem, the author captures the essence of daily monotony, drawing us into a reflective exploration of time, dreams, and the pursuit of meaning. As we navigate through life’s familiar patterns, there’s a yearning for connection and a deeper truth that lingers just beyond reach. With delightful imagery and heartfelt longing, each stanza layers the taste of poetry into daily life—reminding us that even in the ordinary, there’s beauty waiting to be discovered. Join me in unraveling this captivating work that dares to disprove the notion that there’s nothing new under the sun. It’s a reminder that every morning offers a blank canvas, even if we paint it with familiar strokes. So, if you’re curious to journey further into this exploration of love, longing, and the poetic essence of life, click here to LEARN MORE.

Start at the same point every morning
and end at the same point each night

The same dreams propel the motion
through each action when I wake

Looking to fill the same empty spaces
while trying to find a higher truth

Seeking the perfect woman to help me
make the most of what time I have left

A poem for breakfast, a poem for lunch,
a poem for snacks, a poem for dinner

There is nothing new under the sun
yet I keep trying to disprove the theory

More at http://17numa.wordpress.com/.

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