“Unraveling the Secrets of Sound: What to Expect from the Enigmatic ‘Evening E.P.’?”

"Unraveling the Secrets of Sound: What to Expect from the Enigmatic 'Evening E.P.'?"

What if we all lived life under the looming shadow of a volcano, fully aware that our vibrant passions could ignite anything from love to despair at any moment? In a splendid conflagration of emotions and experiences, the poem “Paradise of Devils” invites us to revel in the complexity of existence—spiced with the sweet tang of joy, the bitter sting of loss, and the ever-enigmatic dance with death. Through its verses, we explore not just the fiery essence of romantic encounters, but the stark realities of mortality that often creep into our lives when we least expect it. As we navigate the consequences of our fleeting moments and ponder the secrets wrapped in the inevitability of life’s end, we’re left marveling at how beautifully tragic and utterly chaotic it all can be. So, get ready to dig into this rich tapestry of thought-provoking reflections and wit. There’s a lot to unravel, don’t you think? A journey worth taking! LEARN MORE

Live life for the moment
under a volcano
as hearts in ashes over-the-top blow
like passionate loves that went.

I count on your visits.
Help me get through my time.
Free as a jailbird that sits
preening feathers that off plume don’t rhyme.

Pure joy out of everything to lose.
Singing in a city full of blues.
Celebrate one of Dante’s circles
with a passport to a paradise of devils.

Someone dies and you know them
as you stick your head under the sand cos you don’t want to know.
Do your CSE maths on how long
you’ve got to go if their life was yours in Death Row.

Then there’s those who die before you
fresh as a daisy and with a wreath pressure.
Some maths don’t add up like 2 and 2
and tragic it is for sure.

I always hated maths lessons.
Never got Mr Colman and what he meant by ‘O’ level glory.
Survivors get on their knees to read obituaries and bless ‘em.
Glad I’m no part of it and out of it, end of story.

Lots of clues but nothing
to build a case on.
Witnesses and testimonials
but it was a mystery death as mysterious as any death any book had been written on.

Take a deep breath after that last sentence.

Death’s a mystery
as mysterious as anything could be.
Birth is easy.
It’s as predictable as any rarity.

Wars don’t exist.
You do your health good by getting pissed.
Nothing once living is ever on the menu.
The many stick it to the few.

It turns in everyone’s favour
and it turns out we all get what we deserve.
I’ve got too much money to spend
and you score the golden goal in extra time in the end.

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