“Unlocking the Depths: Discover the Poetic Journey of Scott Thomas Outlar”

"Unlocking the Depths: Discover the Poetic Journey of Scott Thomas Outlar"

In a world where the heat seems relentless and the chaos around us grows palpable, I’ve found solace and raw honesty in words—particularly in poetry that distills the essence of our turbulent times. Take, for example, the poignant piece that lays bare the unsettling realities we grapple with: “The halo is too hot.” Each line pulses with urgency, painting a landscape filled with dark clouds, acid rain, and frantic believers poised on the cliff of collapse. It eerily echoes our current societal struggles: Is the truth as clear as we think, or are we merely gazing into a cracked mirror, deceived by illusions? If you’ve ever felt the weight of the world’s missteps pressing down on your very soul, you’ll resonate with the imagery and emotions woven through this stirring poem. It’s a reminder that art can challenge us to reflect, to question, and ultimately, to seek deeper understanding. Dive into these lines, and let them stir your thoughts—because the reflections we find might just reveal what we need to confront head-on. To explore this thought-provoking piece further, click here: LEARN MORE.

The halo
is too hot

The sun
is burning righteous

The world
is on the edge

are marching strong

The TV
is spewing nonsense

The vibration
is out of tune

True believers
are in a frenzy

A collapse
is on the way

The sky
is filled with dark clouds

The rain
is acid laced

The minds
are calcified and stunted

The future
is sagging low

The New Age
is a pipe dream

The mirror
is full of cracks

The illusion
is staring back

never lie

More at http://17numa.wordpress.com/.

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