“Why This Reader Refuses to Pick Up Books Penned by Privileged Authors – The Shocking Truth Revealed!”

"Why This Reader Refuses to Pick Up Books Penned by Privileged Authors – The Shocking Truth Revealed!"

When did “getting into trouble” as a kid become a badge of honor? Recently, I stumbled across an article where an author reminisced about his rebellious youth, navigating mischief like a pro before becoming a celebrated writer. But here’s the kicker—he conveniently glossed over the plush private school experience and Ivy League connections that cushioned his fall! It made me wonder, how does one truly measure struggle? In this piece, we dive deep into the narratives we’re often fed, particularly those that overlook the real grit it takes for some to succeed while others are left behind. There’s a clear difference between those who face real adversity and those who paint their childhood tales with a gilded brush. Let’s peel back those layers together! LEARN MORE.


I’m much more captivated by the experience of people who lived through struggle

Image by Walter Rhein

When people surrounded by luxury lean back to tell you how hard they had it, I immediately become skeptical. The feeling is similar to when I suspect the words I’m reading might have been generated by AI. At first glance the text seems normal, but there’s a sense that something is off.

Recently I came across an article by an author writing for a major publication. He was announcing the release of his new book. In the first couple lines, he recalled how he “always got into trouble” as a kid. But, of course, he managed to overcome his youthful indiscretions and now he was the proud author of a new major release.

I found myself wondering how a kid could repeatedly “get into trouble” and still manage to carve out a lucrative career for himself. I did some research into his life and found that he went to private school followed by ivy league college.

That explained it. His parents bailed him out. Any interest I had in reading the book died on the vine.

While some people overcome tremendous obstacles, it’s more often the case that hardship swallows…

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