“Unveiling Shadows: Dive into Shawna Schweain’s Enigmatic World of Nocturnal Poetry”

"Unveiling Shadows: Dive into Shawna Schweain's Enigmatic World of Nocturnal Poetry"

As the sky transitions from the deep hues of navy to an electric blue, kissed by the gentle rise of a pink orb over the Mississippi, a little world waits to be discovered. Have you ever paused in those rare moments before dawn, when the world feels like it’s holding its breath? It’s a delicate juxtaposition of silence and the promise of a bustling day ahead, captured beautifully in the poem that follows. The everyday life of a lone cyclist, the hushed anticipation of a city awakening, and the quietude of personal reflections sunset into delightful imagery yield profound truths about our existence. Grab a cup of tea, settle in, and allow these words to envelop you… it’s a perfect invitation to savor the stillness before the storm of life picks up. Don’t miss this gem of poetic expression! LEARN MORE.

sky turns from navy
to an electric blue
broken by an orb of pink
growing slowly
over the Mississippi
A time not seen by many
when the day seems to slow
then speed up again
A man rides alone on his bicycle
weighed down by goods
from the corner 24 hour mart
a spider spins her web
invisibly in the corner of my porch
the air weighs heavy
alluding to the heat to come
a rare silence lulls over
the normally bustling street
broken only by the first birds chirping
and a siren perhaps miles away
as the world wakes up
i drink my tea to relax
smoke the last cigarette of the day
unable to sleep when the world is dark
finally able to lie down and let go

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