“Unraveling Secrets Beneath the Surface: The Enigmatic World of ‘Streams’ by Marcos Reyna”
In the ebb and flow of life, haven’t you ever wondered how our memories mirror the landscapes we journey through? Marcos Reyna’s poignant piece, “Streams,” takes us on a vivid excursion through the intersections of water, rail, and the threads of memory that bind us. Set against the backdrop of both serene and tumultuous natural landscapes, the narrative weaves personal reflections on love, loss, and the passage of time. With each stanza, we traverse from tranquil Mesilla to bustling Albuquerque, and back, as Reyna artfully connects the waterways of his past to the metaphorical tracks of his experiences. It’s a beautiful reminder that our stories are not just confined to the moments lived but are also shaped by the rhythms of nature and the echoes of those who have come before us. So, join me in exploring this evocative journey. You might just find yourself reflecting on your own streams of consciousness along the way. LEARN MORE
I. Mesilla, 1985
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