Andrea Cohen: Pick of the Week [ed. Terence Winch]


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I’m tired of meaning, says the tortoise

to the hare, who agrees. The lions


and crows don’t disagree, and the snake

chimes in: it would be better if we didn’t


have to moonlight as morality lessons.

Exactly, says the chicken. I’d like to let


loose once in a while, I’d like to

stretch my wings, she says. Yes,


says the fox. You should get out

of your pen more, says the fox. You


should let me help, says the fox,

opening the latch to the evening.


It was a fine evening and a fine

conclusion they were coming to,


thought the fox, helping the

chicken out of her feathers.


Andrea Cohen is the author of eight books of poetry, including, most recently, The Sorrow Apartments, Everything, and Nightshade.  Her poems have appeared in The New Yorker, The Threepenny ReviewThe New York Review of Books, Poetry, and elsewhere. She directs the Blacksmith House Poetry Series in Cambridge, MA.


Aesop  Johann Michael Wittmer  (1802–1880)  oil on canvas                                            Aesop, Johann Michael Wittmer (1802–1880), oil on canvas



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Author: Terence Winch