Applause Learning [by Dara Barrois/Dixon]


Hello, from western Massachusetts.  Just this past Thursday night we were entertained by notnostrums film WHEN YOU THINK OF IT.  (admission: two of notnostrums editors are related to me) The beauty and exuberance of this 50 minute film of poets reading where they choose to read:  one shoulder deep in water (yes, the poem she’s reading involves water), another walking up a busy sidewalk, another on a swing, one while getting a tattoo, one while cooking eggs, another behind leaves, high up in a tree, another in a laundromat, others in other unlikely places, got me thinking more about poetry readings, in general.  I’d been wondering, outloud and often, why poets wind up

The poets and the poems in the film are definitely placed smack center in the middle of the world.  They make for us a very good case for believing attentive to poems even in the midst of distracting.  The disconnect/connect between and tattoo artist and the poet stuns one into a kind of disbelief that these two (& they work they’re doing) are in direct physical contact.



from the archive; September 15, 2009

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Author: Ken Tucker