“Are We Blindfolded? Unveiling the Hidden Dangers of Deception Within the Church”

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About the Book

In the Bible when it speaks of the End times, there is a warning that many will be deceived, even “the elect.” With the rapid advancement of technology, we are living in a time when many of these deceptions and components of the system of the Antichrist can be accomplished and implemented, respectively. We actually use many of these components in our day-to-day lives without considering how they can be used against us. During the recent global pandemic many individual technologies were introduced that were used to control the population, and in my opinion, most churches did not do enough to challenge the State because, similar to individuals, they have accepted these tech advancements in their daily operations. The seamless switch to online, virtual, church services was a major step to control a part of the population that traditionally pushes back against government overreach into the religious lives of its citizens. Fear dominated the spirit of many churches, and their physical doors remained closed to not only their congregants, but also millions who were seeking Truth in confusing times.

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