“Are Zingers Sabotaging Your Communication? Discover the Hidden Dangers!”
Yeah, But There’s Nothing We Can Do About It
It’s easy to think that we have no control here. Zingers are gonna zing, and we can’t stop them.
Actually, we can do something about it. Anyone can choose to opt out of the zinger lifestyle. Anyone can quench the zingers in their own personal world. Anyone can help make the world a better place.
Anyone can do that by adopting a few simple rules. Here are the ones I’ve adopted recently, which you might find useful.
Rules For a Zinger-Free World
- Don’t post zingers. If you can simplify somebody else’s beliefs down to just a few words that could be zinged, then you probably don’t understand their beliefs. Real beliefs of real people have nuance. Your beliefs have nuance. Mine do. Everybody’s do.
- When you see a zinger on social media that enrages you, ignore it. If you have an option to hide it, do so. (This will release one of those feel-good chemicals in your brain, so it’s actually good for you.) The algorithm will take note and show you fewer zingers likely to enrage you. And it will also take note that the post got negative engagement, so it may actually show the post to fewer people.
- If you post something on social media, and somebody responds with a zinger, ask yourself if you did something to enrage them. If so, then apologize. If not, then delete the zinger. If you know them, send them a message that you don’t allow zingers on your page. If you don’t know them, post a short message saying that you deleted a zinger because you don’t allow zingers on your page.
- If you’re really committed to eliminating zingers, declare your page a zinger-free zone. You may be able to post your own personal rules for a zinger-free world somewhere on your page or your profile. Then you can refer violators to your rules when they complain that you deleted their zinger.
Will Going Zinger-Free Actually Make a Difference?
If you and I are the only people who adopt zinger-free rules, then we’ll each benefit personally. Our blood pressure will be lower. We’ll sleep better. We’ll feel happier. These benefits kick in immediately.
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