“Behind the Camera: Shari Hamrick Grewal Unveils Secrets of Transitioning from Film Crews to Directing Mastery”


Just give us some tips for people like that. There’s got to be, you know, lots of people listening to this. They’re in their small town, well, far from Hollywood. They hear that there’s a movie coming to their town. What do you recommend? How do you get on that set and not seem just like a movie buff that’s just, you know, star struck? How do you get on there? How do you act professional and how do you just get in their favor? Any tips on that?

Shari Hamrick Grewal

Well, I just always just had to hide the fact that didn’t look like a goofball whenever the stars were around, because I would be wanting autographs and things like that. But I didn’t do it, I just acted like they were just the regular person, you know, I tried to ignore that. But I was working in like, bringing more of a production assistant vibe, they really like to rely on locals that are connected. So, if you know where all the local shops are, discount stores, or, you know, cool food, or anything like that, if you come to there with that flavor of the local support, they’ll probably bring you on as a PA, I mean, it doesn’t pay great, but it’s a great way to start meeting those people. Getting on lists, I, you know, I found that everybody gets on a crew list. So even if you work for a week, or you work for a day, you’re getting on a crew list, your names and numbers are in a crew list. And when people go from production to production, they take those old crew lists with them. So, making good relationships, you know, being really helpful and sweet and kind. And, you know, if you’re cranky in the morning, make sure you’re having your coffee and your chocolate before you get there, because nobody wants to deal with cranky people. And problem solving, just be a problem solver, you know, a good team player, that type of stuff. And then get on those lists, because then they will, they come back to that area, they will always go back and remember those local people and getting that experience is really helpful.

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