“Behind the Lens: How Shari Hamrick Grewal Transformed Chaos into Cinematic Mastery”


Yeah. People can check out, and I will link to this in the show notes, sixfigurefilmfestival.com. You can go there. You can get tickets to all these screenings. We’re also going to be doing a special screening of a film called Sergeant Stubby, an American hero. It’s an animated World War one, film about a dog during World War one. You’re involved in that film as well. Maybe you can talk to that, um, talk about that film as well. What is this film all about? And this one’s going to be 3 PM on Sunday, October six, two for folks that want to check that out. But what is Sergeant Stuppy all about? I think that sort of leans into to your sort of, um, veterans and, and whole, um, there. Yeah. So maybe you can talk about that a little bit.

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