“Behind the Lens: How Shari Hamrick Grewal Transformed from Film Crew Member to Visionary Producer/Director”


Welcome, Shari, to the Selling Your Screenplay podcast. Really appreciate you coming on the show with me today.

Shari Hamrick Grewal

Thanks for having me.


So, to start out, maybe you can tell us a little bit about your background. Where did you grow up and how did you get interested in the entertainment business?

Shari Hamrick Grewal

Well, originally, I am from Texas, and we’re all big in Texas, big attitude, big hair, big mouth. So, I gravitated to theater. I wouldn’t say I mean, I moved out of Texas and traveled internationally with my family. I was very lucky that my dad happened to be a helicopter instructor, and ended up getting a contract in Iran in the 70s. And I got to travel quite a bit. That was really helpful. But then we settled for a little bit in Las Vegas, Nevada for a bit, and then back to Texas, been around a little bit. But theater was my main things. I did a lot of plays. I was part of a children’s theater group for a long time, did dinner theater. I was lucky enough to do a USO show in Germany. I did a performance at all the military bases through Germany of the odd couple, I got to play one of the Seth Lee kitchen, you know, roommates in that play. And then from there, started working on set on like television and just being a general pain in the butt. Anytime a local show came in, I was on the set trying to run coffee, anything where I could just be part of the…

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