“Behind the Pantry Doors: Unveiling the Untold Stories of Struggle and Resilience at the Foodbank”

We no longer played Scrabble together, with wooden tiles at the kitchen table as we used to do. Now we each played separately, on our own computers. It was faster that way, and private. Like pornography. No pausing for the needs of the other.

Although it’s tempting to write at length about every essay, I will comment on just two others that were favorites. “My Suicides” is an unsparing recounting of Gerber’s experiences with five suicides and attempted suicides of friends, relatives, and acquaintances, ending with recollections of her time working at a suicide hotline. The contrasts among these suicides are powerful. In one case, she writes of her brother-in-law’s attempts to make her “an accomplice to his suicide” when he was separated from her sister. After he makes yet another threatening call to Gerber, saying he will kill himself if she doesn’t convince her sister to call him, they are unable to reach him. Before he is found dead by police, Gerber uses a stunning image to foreshadow his passing:

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