“Behind the Pantry Doors: Unveiling the Untold Stories of Struggle and Resilience at the Foodbank”

In the wash I saw a family of peacocks. A peahen, dun-colored, drab, and her two chicks were walking slowly in the shallow rivulets of water and matted leaves. They seemed lost and confused. They walked first to one side of the wash, then the other. It was hard to imagine how they had got in there, or how they would get out. My eyes were searching in vain for the peacock, the male with his bright colored fan of feathers, his shimmering energy, his beauty. But he was not there.

Gerber is a writer’s writer, sharing memories of more than 60 years of working at the craft. I will confess my favorite essay in the collection is “Why I Must Give Up Writing.” I have shared it with several writer friends. In just a few pages, using real examples from her long career, she conveys the frustrations writers all know: myriad rejections, the demoralizing book submission process, the challenges of working with agents and editors. She closes the essay with these words:

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