“Beyond the Pages: How Summer Stewart is Revolutionizing Indie Publishing with Unsolicited Press”

summer stewart of unsolicited press

Dorothy Rice: What made you decide to start a press?

Summer Stewart: I was a student at the University of California Davis. My peers and I were finding that it was hard to find places to our send work. So initially I co-founded a literary journal with a few friends. After about 18 months, we began accepting books. I wanted to start a press that honored fringe work and that created space for noncommercial work.

My daughter was two at the time. Ultimately I realized that what I needed was a way to support us that allowed me to raise her and work from home, independently, not working for anyone else! Freelance writing and editing ticked those boxes. It worked for us. I’ve been able to homeschool my daughter and work from home while writing and publishing books that I believe in and feel good about championing. She’s fourteen now — I made the right choice 12 years ago.

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