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Rags and Bones


Sorting through his things like a rag-picker

    or the rags and bones man who’d give you a goldfish

       in a jam-jar for the stuff you brought him,

I came across a card in his collection of sayings

    and aphorisms, “Follow Your Heart,” which

        I thought ironic since he died of a heart attack

after a diet including cold beef fat spread on bread

          like butter, which still makes me worry

since I had to clean the plate and eat any fat I

      cut off, “Money doesn’t grow on trees.”


          never gave up trying to get the most

out of things, even on his death bed begging

     the nurse for a hand job.

                                                  And as he lay with

         light from stained glass falling over him

sailing through silky white billows as if

      there was still something more, the coffin,

          I thought, could just as well have been

a cradle. He’ll never die.


Brian Swann’s most recent poetry collection is Imago (Johns Hopkins University Press, 2023), and his most recent prose is Ya-honk! Goes the Wild Gander (Mad Hat Press, 2023). 


Irving Penn. Rag and Bone Man  London 1950. Platinum palladium print  printed 1967                                      Irving Penn. Rag and Bone Man, London,1950. Platinum palladium print, printed 1967

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Author: Terence Winch

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