How to Create a Beautiful and Functional Site for Your WordPress Meetup Group

A few weeks ago at WordCamp Europe we announced free sites for local WordPress meetup groups. This initiative aims to support the WordPress community by providing free world-class hosting to promote your local meetups. Today we’re bringing you a set of easy-to-use templates, along with some ideas on how to customize your community site. Let’s…

Technical SEO in 2024: Why it Still Matters & How to Perfect It 

When most marketers think of SEO, they imagine clever keyword research, high-quality content creation, and sleek tactics for acquiring backlinks.  Yet, these are all on-page and off-page SEO techniques, as technical SEO factors often get overlooked.  While fixing broken links and improving your loading times aren’t as exciting as content creation, technical SEO is still…

How We Built It:

When Automattic launched the .blog domain extension back in 2016, our in-house team built a shiny new website to go with it. The vibe of very much matched the era, featuring a simple layout, a generic color palette, and a “just the basics” approach to the content and overall messaging.  The previous iteration of…

How To Make Money Blogging in 2024

Let’s be honest: sensational headlines promising instant wealth often lead to disappointment. While some bloggers do achieve incredible success, it’s rarely an overnight fairy tale. Building a thriving blog that makes money takes dedication, consistent effort, and a willingness to learn from mistakes. The good news? There are actionable steps you can take to make…

Link Building for E-commerce: 10 Strategies to Send Your Sales Soaring

Link-building is what separates an average online store from a top-tier E-commerce juggernaut.  Put another way, valuable backlinks are what help you secure a bigger slice of the $6.33 trillion E-commerce pie.   Why is that? It’s because authoritative, relevant backlinks are crucial ranking factors in search engines, especially Google.  Therefore, if you want to extend…