“Day 20 of the Zero Draft Challenge: What Surprising Secrets Did Writers Uncover Today?”

"Day 20 of the Zero Draft Challenge: What Surprising Secrets Did Writers Uncover Today?"

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to dive headfirst into a month dedicated entirely to creativity? Imagine this: a single September, full of late nights, caffeine-fueled brainstorming sessions, and the satisfying click of keys as your script starts to unfold. That’s the premise behind “Zero Draft Thirty,” a call to writers and creatives alike to push their boundaries and unleash their inner storytellers. With each day marking progress—and likely some hilarious missteps—you’ll navigate the delightful chaos of creativity. Ready to FADE IN on something big? Let’s explore how this invigorating journey can fuel your artistic ambitions and propel you towards that elusive finished draft! If you’re curious about how to start your own Zero Draft Thirty adventure, be sure to LEARN MORE.

One month. FADE IN to FADE OUT. Creativity meets Productivity.

Photo by Bogomil Mihaylov on Unsplash

Zero Draft Thirty: Day 20.

Write an entire draft of a script in September — FADE IN. FADE OUT. Or any sort of creative goal you have in front of you.

Feature length movie screenplay. Original TV pilot. Rewrite a current project. Break a story in prep. Generate a month’s worth of story concepts.

Whatever you feel will ratchet your creative ambitions into overdrive…


Download your very own Zero Draft Thirty calendar — designed and created by Steven Dudley — and track your daily progress!

On Twitter, use this hashtag: #ZD30SCRIPT.

Join the Zero Draft Thirty Facebook Group, 5,100+ members strong.

Today’s Writing Quote

“Show up, show up, show up, and after a while the muse shows up, too.”

— Isabel Allende

Today’s Inspirational Video

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