“Decoding Deception: 9 Commonly Polite Phrases That Hide a Sharp Edge”

"Decoding Deception: 9 Commonly Polite Phrases That Hide a Sharp Edge"

8) “If I were you…”

This one brings back memories.

When I was younger, I had a friend who would always start her advice with “If I were you…”. At first, I thought she was just trying to help. But over time, I realized that this phrase wasn’t as kind as it seemed.

“If I were you…” is often a prelude to unsolicited advice. It assumes that the speaker knows better than you do about your own situation. It can make you feel incapable or indecisive, even when you’re not.

Psychology tells us that this phrase is often used by individuals who have a need for control or who struggle with empathy. They find it difficult to put themselves in another person’s shoes without imposing their own beliefs and values.

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