“Discover the Hidden Culinary Gem at East Cove Hotel That’s Redefining Farm-to-Table Dining”
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About the Book
The Farm at the East Cove Hotel explores the lives of a marvelous collection of people who coalesce into a family of friends in the town of Mercy on the far north coast of California. Among these people are a nun, a painter, a postal clerk, performance artists, musicians, dancers, chefs, a master potter, a weightlifter, a nurse, a waiter, children, gardeners, farmers, a movie producer, a play producer, pub owners, and a baker. Humor, Love, Daring, Sacrifice, Forgiveness, Improvisation, Trust, and Surrender are their signposts as these good souls wend their ways to the farm at the East Cove Hotel and find their places in the collective ferment.
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