Fantasia on the Letter W (by Mitch Sisskind)

W letter


Weary of grandma’s antique Woodstock stories,

Well-off Winnetka women wearing whatever;
Winsome women, wind whipping their hair,
Wielding wicked witticisms with no apology;
Women wandering to where restaurants lie
Among the pussywillows, women whispering,
Weaving wildflowers, warbling whoop-jamboree,
Waking echoes across the fields of NSCD where
Of late we whisked the footballs around, where
In the weeds we went wee-wee, where we wept
On the study hall’s linoleum at the hormonal
Halloween dance where crepe paper dangled —
Wait, wait: with the well-off women of Winnetka
The wised-up women of Wilmette likewise ariseth!


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Author: Mitch Sisskind