Happy birthday, Artie Shaw (Saturday, May 23)

Born May 23, 1910. Band leader and clarinetist whose versions of “Stardust,” “Frenesi,” “Begin the Beguine” “Moonglow,” “Can’t Get Started,” “A Foggy Day,” and others are sublime. He was a Gemini with huge sex appeal and a host of wives including Ava Gardner, Lana Turner, and Jerome Kern’s daughter Betty. He had chutzpah. “Presumption is the mother of all fuck-ups,” he explained. He was also a sharpshooter with a rifle. He and Benny Goodman disagreed, Goodman saying “”we both play clarinet.” Shaw said, “you play clarinet. I play music.” He also said, “Jazz was born out of the whiskey bottle, was raised on marijuana, and will expire on cocaine.” He was a good looking stud but it was the music that enchanted the fillies. ““You have no idea of the women I didn’t marry,” he said. He lived to be ninety.

Helen Forrest 2And here are Helen Forrest’s songs with the Artie Shaw band:

“Somebody asked me once, ‘Do you think that swing will ever come back?’ And I said, ‘Do you think the 1938 Ford will ever come back?’”


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