“Honor Code” [by David Lehman]

Out of the Past

Honor Code

The couple had their code. When she wore hoop earrings,

it meant “lust in action,” from “past reason hunted”

to “past reason hated,” and she needed them to meet

ASAP at the London flat where they conducted their affair.

Or he would phone, hang up after two rings, call again,

hang up after one ring, and she got the message, told

her husband it was the survey takers, the time wasters,

and he, an Oxford sociologist with a little piece on the side,

understood. There were rules they had to observe

even as they broke the most important of them:

no recriminations, no eulogies, no self-pity, no lies,

the honor code of the adulterers’ league.

from The Common (March 2024)

Rita Hayworth Gilda

Rita Hayworth in Gilda.



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Author: The Best American Poetry