“How a Dozen Eggs Led to the Unlikeliest Barter for Home Comfort!”

He then went into the garage, and flipped the breaker off and back on. Then, the heater started blowing warm again! We asked him how much we owed him. He said, “I never charge people for these types of jobs. I just wouldn’t feel right about doin’ that.” That’s how a lot of people are in this small town and we LOVE IT!

I said, “How about a dozen eggs?”

He said, “I’d really appreciate that!!”

We shared his name and number with all of our neighbors. What a sweet guy!!!

It’s still freezing here (outside). Night before last, it got down to 6 degrees! We haven’t had to drip our faucets since moving here almost four year ago but we’ve been dripping them for the past 48 hours. As I’m typing this at 3:00 in the afternoon, it’s 25 outside with a windchill of 16. Brian put cardboard and hay in the elevated hen house before this hit. It has four walls and a roof so they’ve been fine. They come out every morning, and free range all over the yard. They seem to be taking the cold just fine!

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