“How My Battle Against Amazon’s Book Ban Exposed the Dark Side of Self-Publishing”

When Midrange got out of the business, I signed with the next best AS/400 publisher, a company called News/400. They later changed their name to 29th Street Press. I also wrote books for Cardinal Business Media and others before I decided to start my own company called Lets Go Publish!  I also created a distribution company called Bookhawkers.com.

I became one of the most published AS/400 authors in the world and I even had a regular column in a weekly called IT Jungle. Offset Paperback printed all of my hardcopy books under my imprint Lets Go Publish!, about 200 book copies at a time. What was left of Midrange Computing, as well as 29th Street Press, and the startup ITJungle, marketed and distributed my books during this period.

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