“How My Battle Against Amazon’s Book Ban Exposed the Dark Side of Self-Publishing”
Marywood highlighted our Lets Go Publish! books in their Business Department Bookcases. In my interview, the Academic Dean, told me that she was very impressed that I was published by such big name publishers — Divisions of Harper & Rowe and John Wiley & Sons. She told me that weighed on her offering me the job. Dennis Grimes was also hired the same day. We both had MBA’s at a time when most universities were demanding faculty members possess PhD’s
I learned quickly that marketing, selling, and paying to print 200 books at a time was not fun. Another IBM Senior Systems Engineer, Paul Harkins, told me about the new avenue he began to use for his programming books. The company’s name was CreateSpace and Paul said that they did it all: “You just have to write the books and they do all the rest.” He was right. I did not know at the time that CreateSpace had been acquired by Amazon (where they changed the name to Amazon KDP).
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