“How My Battle Against Amazon’s Book Ban Exposed the Dark Side of Self-Publishing”
Even after suing them with no lawyer, and subsequently losing in arbitration (life is not fair), I still have no hard facts about why Amazon terminated me. However, I believe it had to do more with them becoming WOKE. Twenty-six books, at the time, had certain politicians’ names in the titles. Many people, including most of my friends, told me that may be why I was terminated.
Think about that. Why would any company in their right mind want to get rid of an author who had produced 262 books in four years, and was headed for his first $10,000 royalty year with many more books on the horizon? They shut me down, and would not even speak with me about their real reasons. It sure was a tough blow for my personal finances, that’s for sure! Amazon would not relent and so even now, after losing in arbitration, I am still out.
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