A conversation with the writer-director of the movie Barbie.

This is a cool Letterboxd interview with Greta Gerwig as she talks through her official watchlist of films that influenced Barbie.

It’s wonderful to see filmmakers who have a deep appreciation and affection for cinema throughout history. Check out the production design, cinematography, and directing in this clip from Barbie:

Of course, my interest is in the story and it would appear that both Barbie and Ken are having existential crises: Who am I? That aligns with my theory that all stories involve key characters, especially the Protagonist, dealing with issues of self-identity.

Also, the story is a reverse The Wizard of Oz: Barbie begins life in Oz, then travels to the Real World.

I’ve got my tickets: Oppenheimer opening weekend, the next day Barbie.

For 100s more interviews with screenwriters, storytellers, and filmmakers, go here.

Interview: Greta Gerwig was originally published in Go Into The Story on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

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Author: Scott Myers

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