The world isn’t divided into introverts and extroverts—it’s a continuum, and most people actually land somewhere in the middle because they have traits of both personality characteristics. That means that when you hear someone talk about skipping out on plans because they’re exhausted, having their ‘social battery’ drained, and needing some alone time, you’re bound to relate.

That’s where the massively popular ‘Introverts are Awesome’ social media project comes in. It shares some of the most witty and relatable memes about what it’s like to be introverted. We’ve collected some of the best ones to share with you, Pandas. Scroll down to check ‘em out! And don’t forget to upvote the ones that made you say “same” or “mood.”

More info: Facebook | Instagram | Ko-Fi


Image credits: introverts.are.awesome


Image credits: introverts.are.awesome


Image credits: introverts.are.awesome

The project has been up and running for over 11 years now, all the way since 2012. It has been a huge success. At the time of writing, the ‘Introverts are Awesome’ project had 1.2 million followers on Facebook, as well as another 105k loyal fans on Instagram. 

It’s easy to see why IAA is so popular. For one, the content is incredibly relatable, whether you’re an introvert, an ambivert, or an extrovert with lots of introverted friends. The memes tackle a lot of issues and ideas that unite all of us. We all have a lot more in common than we sometimes like to admit.


Image credits: introverts.are.awesome


Image credits: introverts.are.awesome


Image credits: introverts.are.awesome

It’s actually quite difficult even to estimate the number of people who might be introverted. Verywell Mind notes that introverts make up between 25% to 40% of the entire population of the world. Meanwhile, more than half of all people are thought to be ambiverts—also known as extroverted introverts (hi!) or introverted extroverts (hi again!). Introversion and extroversion lie on a scale; they’re not binary.


Image credits: introverts.are.awesome


Image credits: introverts.are.awesome


Image credits: introverts.are.awesome

Someone who’s introverted isn’t necessarily shy or anxious in social situations. They certainly can be more reserved or quiet, but it would be wrong to say that all introverts are shy. It’s a very common misconception. Broadly speaking, introverts tend to focus on internal thoughts and feelings, instead of external stimulation.


Image credits: 24tog


Image credits: introverts.are.awesome


Image credits: introverts.are.awesome

However, introverts can be very social! They also take risks and are not quiet: these aren’t traits that extroverts can claim for their own. In short, introverts are energized by being alone or with a small group of friends while extroverts get their energy from socializing in large groups of people.


Image credits: introverts.are.awesome


Image credits: introverts.are.awesome


Image credits: introverts.are.awesome

Like with most things linked to people’s behavior and psychology, both nature and nurture have a hand in whether someone is more introverted or extroverted. Our biology, as well as our environments while growing up shape how we react to the world around us. The people closest to us and our lifestyles affect us quite a bit, no matter where on the introversion-extroversion scale we were born.


Image credits: introverts.are.awesome


Image credits: introverts.are.awesome


Image credits: introverts.are.awesome

There are quite a few different types of introverts, though many people have a mix of traits from each type. For instance, social introverts prefer spending their evenings at home instead of going out for a night on the town. They also like being in smaller groups of friends or strangers, instead of being surrounded by tons of people they don’t know. 


Image credits: introverts.are.awesome


Image credits: introverts.are.awesome


Image credits: introverts.are.awesome

Thinking introverts, on the other hand, do exactly what it says on the tin. Verywell Mind explained that they are very introspective, creative, and spend a lot of time thinking. Next up are anxious introverts who feel very nervous during social interactions. Meanwhile, inhibited introverts are serial overthinkers. 


Image credits: introverts.are.awesome


Image credits: introverts.are.awesome


Image credits: introverts.are.awesome

Most people are ambiverts and how they behave in a certain situation will depend on the context. If they’re feeling emotionally drained, they might choose to spend a cozy evening inside, reading a book. Or they might go out to meet their friends to shake things up a bit. Whatever they choose to do, ambiverts are nothing if not flexible. They adapt to the situation as needed.


Image credits: introverts.are.awesome


Image credits: introverts.are.awesome


Image credits: introverts.are.awesome

It’s specifically this propensity for adaptability that makes ambiverts so powerful. Research shows that ambiverts tend to be more capable salespeople than extroverts because they know when to be more reserved and when to turn their charm and charisma all the way to the maximum. When you’re so flexible, socially, you can relate to all kinds of people. 


Image credits: introverts.are.awesome


Image credits: introverts.are.awesome


Image credits: introverts.are.awesome

Which of these memes did you relate to the most and why, dear Pandas? Do you consider yourself introverted or extroverted? Or are you an ambivert like most people? We’d love to hear from you, so if you have a moment, scroll down to the comment section and feel free to share your thoughts with all the other readers.


Image credits: introverts.are.awesome


Image credits: introverts.are.awesome


Image credits: introverts.are.awesome


Image credits: introverts.are.awesome


Image credits: introverts.are.awesome


Image credits: introverts.are.awesome


Image credits: introverts.are.awesome


Image credits: introverts.are.awesome


Image credits: introverts.are.awesome


Image credits: introverts.are.awesome


Image credits: introverts.are.awesome


Image credits: introverts.are.awesome


Image credits: introverts.are.awesome


Image credits: introverts.are.awesome


Image credits: introverts.are.awesome


Image credits: introverts.are.awesome


Image credits: introverts.are.awesome


Image credits: introverts.are.awesome


Image credits: introverts.are.awesome


Image credits: introverts.are.awesome

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Author: Dominyka

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