“Is Your Creativity at Risk? Unveiling the Perils of Writing for an Audience”

"Is Your Creativity at Risk? Unveiling the Perils of Writing for an Audience"

Have you ever found yourself sitting down to write, only to feel the weight of your audience’s expectations pressing down on you? It’s a common dilemma among writers, and it can make you feel like you’re bound by someone else’s definition of your work. But what if I told you that approaching your writing with the mindset of a cat—like the one who accidentally sniffs too much catnip—could lead to unexpected revelations? Instead of letting the golden retriever of public opinion distract you, you can embrace your unique voice and resist the urge to conform. So, let’s dive in and explore how to break free from those confines and create content that resonates authentically. Ready to reclaim your narrative? LEARN MORE

Oh So Clear

Don’t let your readers define you

Image by the author 🙂

Imagine you’re a cat.

One day, you accidentally sniff too much catnip. Starting to feel a little loopy, you decide you should really go outside and get some fresh air. You wobble outside. Whoa! Everything is spinning.

Maybe a little walk will help? And so you stumble along the fence that separates your realm from the neighbor’s until… “Wohoo! Mr. Whiskers!” you suddenly hear someone say with a voice that sounds like buck teeth dragging along a chalkboard. Ugh… It’s that drool-soaked tail-wagging buffoon of a golden retriever that lives on the other side of the fence. “Isn’t it a fantastic day?” continues the golden retriever while leaping around like a stupid gazelle. “I’ve already chased my tail twelve times! Wanna join? I’ll be your cheerleader!”

“Eff off you rancid butterball,” is your response.

“How about chewing on a stick then? I’ve got a big one here. I’ll share it with you!”

“No thanks,” you reply with disgust, “I’d rather lick a toad… or take a bath.”

“No chewing? Got it! How about some barking then! Everyone loves barking! C’mon, I found a squirrel. Let’s go bark at it! It’ll be fun!”

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