Meet the Team: A Q&A With Sarah Evans, Reviewer

This is a recurring series to introduce, celebrate, and elevate our amazing crew of volunteers.

sarah evans reviewerIn this installment, we talk to Sarah Evans, from our reviews team. Sarah is an Oregon-based writer and activist with an MFA in nonfiction from Pacific University. Find her on Instagram here.

What made you volunteer to read for Hippocampus?

I started doing book reviews because they are a great way to combine my loves for reading and writing.

If you were a particular form of creative nonfiction (CNF) what would you be and why?

I would definitely be a memoir. I’m constantly reflecting on the people who helped make me who I am, and I am quite nostalgic!

What have you written that you are most proud of, and why?

I once wrote a newspaper feature story about a young woman who had overcome many obstacles to get to college. A reader was so inspired by her story that they donated money to help pay for her education. It felt good to know I had directly helped this amazing woman.

What piece of creative nonfiction (whether book or short form) do you think everyone should read?

Evicted: Poverty and Profit in the American City by Matthew Desmond. The storytelling is incredible and the lessons about the interrelationships between evictions, homelessness, and poverty will forever change the way you think about these issues.


Thanks, Sarah, for sharing! Readers, stay tuned for more Meet the Team features here and, in abbreviated form, on Instagram. In the meantime, learn more about our all-volunteer staff here.

The post Meet the Team: A Q&A With Sarah Evans, Reviewer first appeared on Hippocampus Magazine.

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Author: Donna Talarico