“Navigate the Gray: Can You Rise as a Freelance Hero Amidst Ethical Quagmires?”

When we think we’ve escaped the tangled web of ethical dilemmas, life throws us a curveball that has us second-guessing everything—especially in the freelance world. This article dives into the perplexing quandaries faced by a writer who traded in the courtroom drama for the nuanced universe of sales copy. Two conundrums have surfaced, drawing on both personal introspection and the broader implications of our choices. How do we navigate these situations when the line between right and wrong is as blurry as ever? Join me as we unpack these dilemmas and explore the undercurrents of ethics in our work. Your insights could prove invaluable! LEARN MORE.

An Untethered Life

Help me out with two tricky situations I can’t seem to reason my way out of

Photo by ODISSEI on Unsplash

I thought that when I left criminal law and started writing copy and content that my worst ethical dilemmas were behind me. No longer would I have to concern myself with the intractable moral problems that arose day after day both in and outside of court.

As I was on many other issues, however, I was wrong. Even as a freelancer and writer, ethical dilemmas remained part and parcel of my everyday life.

Recently, two new quandaries have popped up. I haven’t come to a firm decision on either one, so I invite your input as to how I should proceed in both cases. So, if you’re willing, please take a moment to consider the issues. If you’re feeling especially charitable, drop a comment with your two cents about the decision that you would make.

Dilemma #1: ChatGPT and my day job

So, I have kind of a niche day job. I write sales copy for a book publisher. It generally works like so:

My client sends me source material that summarizes an as-yet unpublished book. (Sometimes they send me the whole manuscript but there’s almost…

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