Knowing You | Ananya S. Guha

Knowing you I feel only that the stubble on my chin will keep growing like those endless subaltern dreams. Wishes are, are not dreams. The child next door grins with his dirty face. Smudges. Let my stubble grow into a beard of delight, passions. A beard that measures time in between tiny fingers. A beard…

Man Begs His GF To “Uphold A Sexist Tradition” So She Can Make A Good First Impression On His Family, Acts Shocked When She Doesn’t Want To Play Along

Meeting a partner’s family for the first time can be stressful. You might spend all day choosing the perfect outfit, studying up on topics that their parents enjoy discussing and purchasing their favorite flowers or a nice bottle of wine to ensure you don’t show up empty handed. But according to one man, the most…

Marvel Fixed 1 Spider-Man Plot Hole with an Incredibly Dark Solution

As one of the most famous villains in Spider-Man’s rogues’ gallery, the Rhino continues to be inconsistently characterized in the comics, but there is now a canon explanation as to why. Depending on the story, Rhino stands tall among either the smartest people in the room or the dumbest in the room, and sometimes he’s…

How to Write a YA Novel

The article How to Write a YA Novel appeared first on The Write Practice. Young adult novels have never been more popular. Some of my favorites began with the rise of Harry Potter and continued with hits like The Fault in Our Stars, The Hunger Games, and Divergent. If this is one of your favorite…