Paul Genega: Pick of the Week [ed. Terence Winch]

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It’s the Friday before a holiday so the barber shop

is wild with boys, all from my school, none a friend.


Glum in the back, I wait to be summoned to one of four

barbers. Jimmy the owner up front is the one you want


and the cool boys from the nice blocks swarm

his chair, jostling each other, laughing big laughs


until they are called to the clippers, while I—

predictably—get Pete, short guy with the fourth chair


who quickly snips, buzzes, rubs in green goo, combs.

I hand him the coin father gave me for the tip.


He says nothing. Nor do I. Outside in the gathering

dusk, Jimmy’s boys are waiting for their pals.


Our haircuts, I see, all look perfectly the same.

But theirs are better.


Paul Genega is the author of Outtakes: New and Selected Poems 1975-2023 (Salmon Poetry, 2023) and six previous collections. His poetry received the “Discovery”/The Nation Prize, the Lucille Medwick Award from The New York Quarterly, and a fellowship from the National Endowment for the Arts, among other honors. He is Professor Emeritus at Bloomfield College, New Jersey, where he founded the creative writing program, taught literature and writing, and served as chair of Humanities. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Bruce Davidson  Brooklyn Gang  Brooklyn  NY  1959                                                                 Bruce Davidson, Brooklyn Gang, Brooklyn, NY, 1959


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Author: Terence Winch