“Riding the Rails of Redemption: Discover the Hidden Meaning Behind G. S. Katz’s Poetic Journey on the Q Train”

"Riding the Rails of Redemption: Discover the Hidden Meaning Behind G. S. Katz's Poetic Journey on the Q Train"

No more psychotic buses
Slow as molasses with drivers who forget to open back doors
You have to drive the bus and open the doors
The back door is where you want us to get off
Open it Jar Head

The Q is religion in this town
It’s secular too
God freaks stay away from the stations
No pamphlet people trying to steal your soul
or your wallet
They know the evil of the Q will get them
They’re afraid the Q might make them Queer
Win Win Boss

Come to NYC
Take the Q everywhere
Don’t give beggars any money
Unless they are missing body parts
Every sob story is bull
The pizza is real here
This has been your urban cowboy
With the scoop

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