“Secrets Weigh Heavy: Discover the Unvoiced Struggles Behind Paul Tristram’s Poetic Journey”

"Secrets Weigh Heavy: Discover the Unvoiced Struggles Behind Paul Tristram's Poetic Journey"

Life can feel like a whimsical tightrope walk, can’t it? Some days we’re burdened by the weight of coal, while others we’re graced with the delicate joy of flower petals—each moment a dance between pleasure and pain. In this profound piece of poetry, we’re invited into the tumultuous landscape of human emotions: boredom, anxiety, joy, and love collide in a startlingly vivid tapestry. The poet deftly illustrates how each day holds a gamble, a balancing act between the burdens we bear and the lightness we crave. It’s as if we’re all navigating a peculiar circus, with our thoughts as our breathtaking trapeze artists—swinging, twirling, and occasionally falling with grace. This poem captures the essence of existence in all its beautifully chaotic splendor. Intrigued? Dive deeper into the intricacies of this poetic journey! LEARN MORE.

Sometimes it’s like a sack of coal
to your breaking back
other times like a heartful
of joyful flower petals.
Boredom yawning stupidly
whilst sat in your lap,
depression whittling
concentration down to nothing,
anxiety kindling the touch paper
awaiting impatiently at each nerve-end.
Bear trap jaws of addiction, so bitter sweet,
the emptiness of loss
and the laughing weathercock of madness.
The unpleasantness of sickness,
healing hands of love and kisses,
the catchy smiles which explode and multiply.
The whimsical nonsense of spontaneity
and the beautiful adrenalin of enthusiasm.
Each day, upon awakening
is a delicate balancing act,
the morning scales swing manically
whilst compass-ing their daily bearings.
It’s a crapshoot, my Dear, a gamble
with much to both win or lose,
for we’re all bearing a burden
each moment of this strange life.
The Sunnyside of the street in your mind
is the best port in the storm
to tentatively tread
your first thoughtful step upon.

More at http://paultristram.blogspot.co.uk/.

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