Is your in-house marketing team constantly fighting a losing battle against the clock?

Or maybe you’re an independent site owner who doesn’t have a marketing team, meaning you’re spread even thinner (and are likely approaching burnout if you aren’t there already). 

Between social media marketing, managing paid ads, and engaging in email marketing campaigns – there’s not much time for anything else. 

The problem?

You’re forgetting about SEO (search engine optimization), one of the most critical marketing channels. 

Every business today needs a strong online presence if it wants to grow, and increasing visibility on search engines like Google is crucial for long-term growth. 

Yet, SEO is a complicated process that entails decades’ worth of knowledge obtained from successful experimentation and best practices developed by marketers and website owners. 

That’s not even mentioning the baffling amount of lingo involved in the industry, which is enough to turn off most small business owners from the get-go. 

The good news is that outsourcing SEO services is easier than ever, as there’s no shortage of freelancers and SEO agencies out there ready and willing to take the entire process off your hands (and all the complexity that comes with it). 

There’s a lot to consider when outsourcing SEO services, so stick around to learn how to find the perfect provider for your needs.

Why is SEO Outsourcing Worth Your Time and Money?

SEO has proved to be an Energizer bunny of sorts, as it just keeps going. 

In lieu of the fact that it’s become trendy for online marketers to declare ‘SEO is dead’ every few years, it remains one of the most effective marketing channels. 

Organic clicks (meaning the users clicked on a Google search result and not a paid ad) still account for 45.1% of all search engine clicks – proving that users trust organically ranked search results above other options.  

While zero-click searches are on the rise, savvy SEO agencies can still leverage these in your favor by increasing your brand visibility. 

It’s also true that  89% of internet users begin their buying process on search engines like Google and Bing. 

So, if your website isn’t optimized to rank high on search engines, you’re missing out on all that potential traffic. This is why SEO is worth your time and money.

Besides capitalizing on users ready to make a purchase, SEO content works at every level of your sales funnel. 

Even if users aren’t ready to buy anything yet – informative blog content that answers their questions will establish you as a thought leader, which is an extremely valuable position to hold (especially for B2B companies).

What’s so special about being a thought leader

It’s no secret that consumers prefer companies that they trust and respect, which is what forming thought leadership is all about. 

According to a study by Edelman and LinkedIn, almost 90% of C-level decision-makers feel thought leadership impacts their opinions of a company. 

In other words, strong SEO content will help you earn the trust of your most important prospects. 

Planting a Seed: Outsourcing SEO Will Help Your Business Grow 

At The HOTH, we’ve helped countless websites significantly grow their online presence, reputation, and customer base with our SEO prowess, so we can attest to its power first-hand

Here’s a look at the referring domains and organic traffic growth of one of our clients:

A screenshot of a client’s organic traffic and referring domains growing over time.

As you can see, shortly after we started working with them in November of 2021, the results started rolling in, and they haven’t let up yet. 

If we hadn’t taken the wheel for their SEO strategy, they’d still be virtually unknown online. 

Instead, they’re ranking for thousands of keywords (63 of which are in the top 3), and they’re consistently generating $1.3k worth of organic traffic. 

That means whenever users search for keywords related to their business, products, and services, their brand appears at the top of the results. 

Key Point: How do we calculate the value of organic traffic?

When analyzing SEO metrics, you may notice a dollar amount next to a website’s organic traffic. This is the expected revenue a business should see from generating a specific amount of monthly traffic – and it’s based on concrete numbers. 

Here’s a breakdown of the formula we use (it sounds more complicated than it is):

Organic traffic value = monthly traffic (average order size x conversion rate) 

Put simply; the formula combines a site’s monthly traffic, its click-through rate (how many users actually click through to their landing page), the average order size, and conversion rate (how many visitors actually make a purchase). 

So, if a company sees 2,500 visitors each month, has an average order size of $20, and converts 2.6% of visitors – its organic traffic value would look like this:

2,500 (20 *0.026) = 1,300

This means the company can expect to earn $1,300 worth of revenue from the 2,500 visitors it generates from search engines each month.  

A screenshot of a client’s keywords and organic traffic.

Which SEO Services Can You Outsource?

SEO is an umbrella term that encompasses many different tactics and marketing techniques, such as link-building, content creation, and keyword research. 

Did we mention that SEO was complicated yet?

On the plus side, you can easily outsource every service that SEO encompasses; you just have to know what your needs are first. 

Once again, you should double-check that each agency you look into offers the services you want, as not every agency will offer every service on this list (except us).


If you want to dominate the SERPs on Google, you need lots of high-authority websites vouching for your content via backlinks.

For quick reference, a backlink is a link on another website that ‘points back’ to yours, hence the name.  Google’s ranking algorithm is similar to academic papers, which cite trusted sources to back up their claims, although backlinks replace citations.

Therefore, if trusted websites link to your content, it signals to Google that your content is also trustworthy. 

Link-building is one of the most challenging aspects of SEO, which is why so many businesses and websites choose to outsource it. 

That’s because it takes a lot of work to convince authoritative websites to link back to your content. 

If you don’t have existing relationships with relevant sites in your industry, the process becomes even more difficult. 

At The HOTH, our clients enjoy targeted Link Outreach, Link Insertions, Press Releases, and Content Syndication services that leverage our network of 300+ media outlets and news sites. Since we’ve built existing relationships with sites from virtually every niche, we’re able to consistently build high-quality link placements to boost search rankings.  

Keyword research and content creation

Remember how we said achieving thought leadership was a major goal of any SEO campaign?

Well, you have to publish a staggering amount of content to achieve thought-leader status in your field. 

Outsourcing your content creation is a great way to keep up with the Joneses without having to work around the clock. 

Our Blog Content and Website Content Writing services ensure our clients’ content remains remarkably consistent in both quality and publishing frequency. 

Currently, lots of businesses are using AI to keep up with their content demands, but AI content creation is a subtle art that few have mastered. 

We offer AI Content Plus, which is our AI-plus-human-powered content creation service that achieves the best of both worlds (speed plus creativity).

Our AI-powered content creation tools provide plenty of speed, as they can generate content within seconds. After that, our human editors come in to provide a unique, creative punch to ensure the content stands out from the crowd (and contains some original insights). 

Technical SEO 

There are loads of factors going on behind the scenes that affect your performance on search engines. 

If your site runs slow or if you have lots of duplicate content, you could all but disappear from the SERPs entirely. 

This is another aspect of SEO that’s mercilessly complicated, and it can be quite intimidating for SMBs (small-to-medium-sized businesses). 

For example, if you want to rank on Google’s search results pages, your website must pass the Core Web Vitals test. 

This test measures not only the loading speed of your site but also its stability and interactivity. If you aren’t able to pass the test, Google won’t feel comfortable ranking you since you could have a negative effect on its user experience (they don’t want search users to click on sites that won’t load quickly). 

If you’ve been having problems with these types of issues, a technical SEO audit will restore your website to optimal health.

Local SEO 

Local businesses face a whole host of unique SEO challenges, which is why local SEO is its own subgenre (sort of like acid jazz).

Google Business Profile (GBP) is the main platform local businesses use to capitalize on relevant search keywords. 

It provides a free business profile containing a business’s NAP (name, address, and phone number) in addition to:

  • Hours of operation
  • Photos
  • Offers
  • Reviews (and review responses) 
  • Posts (which are essential for local SEO) 

GBP is also required to be featured in local map packs, a SERP feature that appears for most local searches. 

What’s a local map pack?

It’s a Google Map integration that appears at the top of the results whenever a user searches for a business near them. It will highlight a handful of businesses in the area, including their location on the map, business hours, and average customer rating. 

Local keyword research is also unique, as you’ll want to target keywords that include cities, towns, and states.

The Benefits of Outsourcing SEO

Besides expanding your online reach and earning more money, let’s take a look at the other benefits involved with outsourcing SEO services.

Outsourcing SEO is extremely cost-effective 

Building an in-house team of SEO professionals is costly, especially for smaller websites that don’t have large marketing budgets. 

Hiring and recruiting top SEO specialists isn’t cheap, and that’s not to mention other expenses like onboarding, salary, benefits, and training. 

It will also take some time to assemble the right team for your needs, as you may have to go through a few professionals before you find what you need – which will cost even more money. 

Instead of spending six months to a year building your in-house SEO team, you can start outsourcing SEO services in a few days or less. 

With an SEO agency, you’ll see results faster because they have the skills in-house to ensure they’re adding value right away.  

Advanced SEO knowledge, expertise, and skills 

Proper SEO requires a lot of expertise that goes far beyond the basics. If you want results, hiring inexperienced SEO interns is not a great idea.

Plus, experienced SEOs (search engine optimizers) are extremely familiar with all the latest Google algorithm changes, as well as how to handle the upcoming shift to Search Generative Experience (SGE) – which is something every website on the planet needs to prepare for, by the way. 

You’ll want to trust your SEO campaign with a highly experienced agency that’s been around the block a few times. 

The last thing you should do is trust your search campaign to a newbie that nosedives straight into a beginner pitfall, like paying for low-quality backlinks. 

Trust us; you’ll likely spend more money trying to undo problems caused by inexperienced SEOs, so your best bet is to stick with the pros.

Access to powerful SEO tools and resources  

Decorated SEO agencies (like yours truly!) have many tricks up their sleeves, so to speak. 

In our case, we’re home to experienced SEO gurus who know search engine algorithms inside and out, and we also have a Batman-style utility belt packed with advanced SEO tools and resources.

These include tools for:

  • Analyzing crucial metrics like SERP position rankings, organic traffic, conversion rates, and more 
  • Viewing competitor backlink profiles
  • Segmenting audiences into different groups 
  • Auditing the ranking power of other websites
  • Generating high-quality copy and blog ideas (AI-powered tools)

Besides our arsenal of gadgets and gizmos, we’ve also built large networks of link partners, news sites, and media outlets. 

These networks are what make our link-building services possible, and they took many years to build. 

That’s why it’s so beneficial to outsource SEO services to an agency like ours, as we’ve already built the infrastructure necessary to build lots of high-quality links for our clients. 

If you’re building an in-house SEO team from scratch, you’re starting at square one regarding access to tools and link networks, which is a disadvantage. 

To summarize, you have options when it comes to managing your SEO. 

Outsourcing allows you to simplify your SEO by leaving it up to experienced professionals, effectively placing your digital marketing on autopilot. 

On the other hand, building an in-house team is an option, but it will take a lot more time and effort to achieve the same results.

The Drawbacks of Outsourcing SEO

While there are a lot of benefits to outsourcing SEO, there are some challenges. 

To help you understand the possible drawbacks, let’s explore some and how to solve them: 

Lack of industry-specific knowledge

❌ Problem

SEO agencies work across various industries, which means they might not have specialized knowledge about your specific sector. 

This can impact their effectiveness. 

✅ Solution

Choose an agency with experience in your sector or one that’s willing to dive into research and truly understand your industry. Ask for case studies or examples of their work in similar sectors. 

Encourage them to work closely with your in-house team to provide guidance on your industry and topics that your customers care about.

Communication challenges

❌ Problem 

Working with an external agency can sometimes lead to communication gaps. Differences in time zones, work cultures, and the absence of face-to-face interactions can affect project progress.

✅ Solution

Establish clear communication channels and regular check-ins from the start. Use project management tools and platforms to track progress. 

Consider scheduling regular video calls for more personal interaction and to foster a stronger working relationship. 

It’s also a good idea to agree on a communication plan that takes into account time zone differences and work cultures.

Quality control

❌ Problem 

Maintaining consistent quality can be challenging. Agencies may work on multiple projects simultaneously, which can lead to variations in the attention and resources allocated to your project.

✅ Solution

Set clear expectations for quality and timelines. Include these in your contract and discuss how the agency plans to allocate resources to your project. 

Request regular updates and reports on progress, and consider setting up a trial period to evaluate the agency’s work before committing to something long-term.

Less control over SEO practices

❌ Problem 

You may have less control over the specific SEO tactics used by an agency. Some may use aggressive or borderline tactics that could potentially harm your site.

✅ Solution

Take the time to outline acceptable SEO strategies and tactics in your contract. Also, stay informed about SEO best practices and guidelines from search engines like Google and Bing. 

Regularly review the agency’s approach and tactics to ensure they align with your expectations. 

It may also be necessary to include a clause in your contract that allows for termination if the agency employs tactics you’re not happy with.

How to Select the Right SEO Outsourcing Partner for You 

You should be pretty picky when looking for an SEO agency to outsource with, especially if you want to see amazing results. 

There are quite a few factors to consider, including your needs, budget, and goals, so let’s take a look at each. 

Set your goals first

Before diving into the sea of SEO agencies out there, it’s essential to nail down your goals. 

This clarity is your best defense against A) spending on services you don’t need and B) finding yourself without a yardstick to measure the agency’s success against your expectations.

What is your main goal? Are you looking to ramp up your online presence, or are you zeroing in on driving up lead and sales numbers? Maybe there are some technical gremlins in your site’s machinery that need ironing out.

Pinpointing your aims will guide you to the exact services you should be eyeing. For instance, if you crave more online visibility, content creation should be your go-to. 

If your site’s more sluggish than a snail on a leisurely stroll or riddled with broken links, then a technical SEO audit should be your first port of call.

And remember, when setting those targets, being specific (and grounded in reality) is the way forward. Here’s what we mean:

Our goal is to boost our organic traffic by 50% in 12 months. 

This is a specific, realistic goal that any reputable SEO agency should be able to meet for you.

Research providers online (case studies, reviews, etc.) 

Now that you know what you want, it’s time to start doing your homework by researching SEO agencies. 

First, know that every agency differs in what they offer, so you should know your needs first. It’s usually best (and more affordable) to find agencies that offer packages instead of selecting multiple services from different providers. 

Don’t stop there, though. 

You need to look up each agency’s case studies, independent reviews, and testimonials to verify they’re the real deal. Try to find reviews on third-party websites, as those tend to be more neutral than those on agency sites. 

If you’re a marketing agency, you’ll benefit the most from working with agencies offering white-label services

What are those?

A white-label SEO agency allows other marketing agencies to repackage their SEO services as their own for a fee. 

Diagram of how white label SEO works

That means you can advertise that you now offer SEO services to your clients, even though you’re outsourcing them to a white-label agency. 

The white-label provider will work hand-in-hand with you and your clients to ensure optimal results, and your brand gets to take credit for everything.

White labeling is an excellent way for marketing agencies to expand their service offerings without hiring more staff.

Expert insight: Ask a potential SEO agency the right questions 

When you find a potential agency that you would like to work with, be sure to ask them the right questions to make sure they can do what they say they can. 

Here are some examples of questions you could ask:

➡ What makes your SEO agency different?

➡ What strategies do you believe are most effective for my industry/business?

➡ How do you measure the success of your SEO campaigns?

➡ Can you explain your link-building strategy?

➡ How do you conduct keyword research and selection?

➡ What is your process for optimizing on-page SEO?

➡ How do you approach technical SEO?

➡ What communication and reporting can I expect?

➡ Who will be working on my account, and what is their experience?

➡ How do you integrate SEO with other digital marketing efforts?

Agree on services, budget, and a timeline 

Once you have a preferred provider, it’s time to hash out the nitty-gritty details. Here are the three main things you should agree on with a provider: 

Choose your SEO services

Start by listing the SEO tasks you want help with. SEO covers a lot, from keyword research and content strategy to link building and fixing technical issues on your site. 

Do you need a comprehensive strategy that includes all these aspects, or are you focusing on specific areas like improving your local SEO or getting a technical site audit? 

Knowing exactly what you want helps potential agencies understand if they can deliver what you want.

Set up a timeline 

Setting clear deadlines is important for planning and ensuring the project remains on schedule.

Discuss the timeline for each deliverable and confirm that the agency can meet these deadlines. It’s also wise to account for the time needed for revisions, approvals, and any unexpected issues that could arise.

Discuss the costs

It’s really important to be clear about your budget right from the start. 

This way, you can work with agencies that can stay within your spending limits. Ask agencies to give you detailed proposals that show all the costs involved. 

This openness helps you see how they plan to use their resources and lets you check if it fits with what you’re able to spend.

Once you’ve worked everything out, you can sign on the dotted line and start working with your new SEO partner.

Start Outsourcing Your SEO Today 

To wrap things up, outsourcing SEO is a game-changer for businesses aiming to boost their online footprint and attract more targeted traffic. 

It’s about tapping into expert agencies’ specialized skills and resources to fast-track your SEO success.

The key? 

Picking the right agency is everything. You need a partner who’s not just competent but also ready to dive deep into your industry, communicate clearly, and play by the rules — both yours and Google’s. 

Setting clear terms, staying connected, and working together can help you navigate the pitfalls and make the most of outsourcing SEO.

Think of it as more than just delegating tasks; it’s about forging a dynamic partnership that evolves with your business, mirrors your values, and propels you toward your digital marketing dreams. 

Done right, outsourcing SEO isn’t just a strategy — it’s a catalyst for growth.

If you want to enjoy a winning SEO campaign for your business, don’t wait to sign up for HOTH X, our coveted managed SEO service.   

The post SEO Outsourcing: Having Your Cake and Eating It, Too appeared first on The HOTH.

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Author: Rachel Hernandez

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