Categories: Promote Your Work

“Unmasking Silence: What Your Fears Say About You and the Secrets You’re Holding Back”

Are Americans afraid to speak their minds?  According to a recent study, the ‘land of the free and the home of the brave’ has become a place of self-censorship.  Two-thirds of us say that we are afraid to say what we believe in public because someone else might not like it. These dispiriting results come …

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Categories: Promote Your Work

“Unlock the Secrets: Are You Really Speaking to Your Audience’s Heart?”

When we think about our audiences as speakers, we think about their demographics, or the industry they are in, or their functional roles in their organizations, or their positions in the hierarchy.  So, for example, we might be talking to millennials in health care, working in HR, and heads of the talent division with a …

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