Categories: Promote Your Work

“Unlock the Power of Quiet: 8 Phrases Confident Introverts Use to Command Attention Without Raising Their Voice”

Ever found yourself struggling to speak up in conversations because you don’t want to come across as confrontational?

Being assertive is about standing your ground and expressing your views, without trampling over others or masking your true feelings.

For introverts like me, this can sometimes be a tricky balancing act. We need to make our …

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The post 8 phrases confident introverts use to assert themselves (without being confrontational) appeared first on Personal Branding Blog.

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Categories: Promote Your Work

“Unlock True Happiness: The Surprising 8 Things You Must Start Saying No To Today!”

Happiness is often a matter of perspective and choice, and yet, we often forget that we have the power to say no to certain things that drain our joy.

As Lachlan Brown, the founder of Hack Spirit and a follower of mindfulness and Buddhism, I’ve learned that saying no can be a powerful tool for …

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The post If you really want to be happy in life, start saying no to these 8 things appeared first on Personal Branding Blog.

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Categories: Tips

“Unlock the Magic of Spontaneous Verse: Discover How to Get Poemcrazy!”

poemcrazy susan goldsmith wooldridge

This post contains affiliate links. Part memoir, filled with poetry exercises and activities, and sprinkled with poems, Poemcrazy is sure to inspire anyone who wants to delve deeper into the art of writing poetry and the lifestyle of a poet. Poemcrazy is a delicious read with bite-sized chapters that give you a creative boost and a…Read More

The post Get Poemcrazy! first appeared on Writing Forward.

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