“The Surprising Truth: Why Kindness, Not Cruelty, is the Secret Ingredient to Success”

"The Surprising Truth: Why Kindness, Not Cruelty, is the Secret Ingredient to Success"

Have you ever wondered just how far a little kindness can get you in a world that sometimes feels like a competitive battleground? In the writing community, where creativity is often intertwined with critique, maintaining a friendly demeanor can make all the difference. The article “Oh why you can’t afford to be a jerk” takes a humorous dive into the do’s and don’ts of interpersonal interactions, especially when the stakes get high—like, say, during a critical writing review or awkward social encounter. It’s fascinating how a sprinkle of empathy can turn a potential conflict into collaboration, isn’t it? So, let’s explore the reasons why a courteous approach isn’t just nice but essential, especially when you’re looking to thrive in any field. Click here to delve deeper into this insightful conversation: LEARN MORE.

Oh So Clear

Oh why you can’t afford to be a jerk

Image by the author 🙂

There are times and places were being rude is in your best self-interest.

For example, if you dropped one-thousand rubber ducks on a busy interstate highway and have now been sent to prison, it might not be the best idea to introduce yourself to your fellow inmates by handing out lavender-scented bars of soap in the communal shower and then loudly proclaim “If anyone needs help getting into those hard-to-reach spots, just let me know!”

Instead, you’re probably better off not being effusively friendly. That’s not to say you have to beat up the toughest guy to establish dominance, but at the very least turning that beaming smile upside down might stop broadcasting to everyone “Free booty!”

As a writer, though, you’re (presumably) not in prison. That means there’s no need to cultivate a reputation for being un-f***-withable.

That means if people criticize you and your writing, don’t lash out. There’s no point defending your honor as if you were a knight who’s been slapped in the face with a glove after being told his battle cry sounds like a very confused cow trying to bark. Instead, be friendly, kind, and helpful.

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