“Unearthing Shadows: Kim Liao Reveals the Haunting Secrets Behind ‘Where Every Ghost Has a Name'”

On the subject of memoir, I could go on and on, but I just read Hua Hsu’s Stay True and loved how he captured how it feels to be young. Full stop. Go read it!

SR: You have a chapter centered around the idea of Taiwan’s “hungry ghost month,” and you’ve written a beautiful quote about its effect on you, “I bowed to the things in this world that defy explanation and understanding and surrendered myself to them. I surrendered myself to this year of magical coincidences and to communing with my ancestors in ways I never would have believed possible before my arrival in Taiwan.” The title of the book also nods to this idea of ghosts. Full disclosure: I have a weakness for nonfiction that acknowledges and reckons with magic and superstition. Did you plan from the beginning to incorporate or include ghosts in the book? Or was it something that became more pronounced later on in the writing process?

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